Sunday, July 18, 2021

Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules 2004 [DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL SAFETY]


Radiation is energy that is emitted by a source. Mainly categorised into Ionising and Non-Ionising.

Non-ionising radiation can be categorised as: ultraviolet (UV); visible light, infrared (IR); microwave; and radiowave.


UV- Sunlight

IR – Red hot steel

Visible light – Lase levelling device / pointer

Microwaves – Industrial microwave oven in a food industry, telecommunication equipment

Radiowaves – Radio, TV

UV, visible and IR radiation can cause eye and skin damage; microwaves and radiowaves cause internal heating. 


Exposure to non-ionising radiation can be controlled by use of clothing and PPE or by maintaining a safe distance from the source and isolation, SSW and permits.

Ionising radiation comes in five forms: alpha particles; beta particles; X-rays; gamma-rays and neutrons. Exposure to ionising radiation causes acute sickness and has chronic effects, such as the increased risk of cancer.


Alpha particles – smoke detectors and science labs.

Beta particles – science labs and thickness gauges.

X-rays – medical radiography and baggage security scanners.

Gamma-rays – industrial radiography.

Neutrons – nuclear power stations

The control of exposure to ionising radiation is based on the principles: time, distance, shielding. Dose limits apply.


In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 30 read with Section 3 and clause (i) and sub-clauses (c) and (d) of clause (ii) of Sub-Section (1), Sub-Section (4) of Section 14, and Sections 16, 17 and other relevant Sections of the Atomic Energy Act  1962 and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, and in supersession of Radiation Protection Rules 1971 except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules 2004.


(zb) "radiation installation" means any location or facility, including a mobile facility, in which a radiation generating equipment or plant or radioactive material is present and which in the opinion of the competent authority requires radiation surveillance for ensuring adequate protection against radiation;

(zc) “radiation surveillance" means measures, including measurements and reviews performed, to ensure adequate protection;

(zf) "Radiological Safety Officer” means any person who is so designated by the employer with the approval of the competent authority;

(zh) "sealed source" means radioactive material that is –

(a)  (i) permanently sealed in a capsule; or

(ii) in a solid form which is closely bounded and

(b)  is designed to meet the safety standards prescribed by the competent authority.

(zk) "unsealed source" means any radioactive material that is not a sealed

source; and


(1) No person shall, without a licence -

(a) establish a radiation installation for siting, design, construction, commissioning and operation;

(b) decommission a radiation installation.

(2) No person shall handle any radioactive material, or operate any radiation

generating equipment except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence.

(3) A licence shall be issued for sources and practices associated with the operation of -

(i) nuclear fuel cycle facilities.

(ii) land based high intensity gamma irradiators other than gamma irradiation chambers.

(iii) particle accelerators used for research and industrial applications.

(iv) neutron generators.

(v) facilities engaged in the commercial production of radioactive material or radiation generating equipment.

(vi) telegamma and accelerators used in radiotherapy.

(vii) computed tomography (CT) unit.

(viii) interventional radiological x-ray unit.

(ix) industrial radiography; and


Practices such as deliberate addition of radioactive substances in foodstuffs, beverages, toys, personal ornaments, and cosmetics or any other commodity or product intended for ingestion, inhalation, or application to, a human being and sale, import or export of such products shall not be permitted.


The radiation symbol or warning sign shall be conspicuously and prominently displayed at all times.

(a) on externally visible surfaces of radiation equipment, and containers for storage of radioactive materials; packages for radioactive materials and vehicles carrying such packages.

(b) at the entrance to the room housing the radiation generating equipment;

(c) at the entrance of controlled area and supervised area.


The competent authority may issue safety codes and safety standards, from time to time, prescribing the requirements for radiation installation, sealed sources, radiation generating equipment and equipment containing radioactive sources, and transport of radioactive material and the licensee shall ensure compliance with the same.


The employer shall designate as classified workers, those of his employees, who are likely to receive an effective dose in excess of threetenths (3/10) of the average annual dose limits notified by the competent authority and shall forthwith inform those employees that they have been so designated.


Every employer shall designate, with the written approval of the competent authority, a person having appropriate qualifications as Radiological Safety Officer.


(1) Every employer shall:

(a) ensure that provisions of these rules are implemented by the licensee,

Radiological Safety Officer and other worker(s),

(b) provide facilities and equipment to the licensee, Radiological Safety Officer

and other worker(s) to carry out their functions effectively in conformity with

the regulatory constraints,

(c) prior to employment of a worker, procure from his former employer, where applicable, the dose records and health surveillance reports,

(d) upon termination of service of worker provide to his new employer on request his dose records and health surveillance reports,

(e) furnish to each worker dose records and health surveillance reports of the worker in his employment annually, as and when requested by the worker and at the termination of his service,

(f) inform the competent authority if the licensee or the Radiological Safety Officer or any worker leaves the employment, and

(g) arrange for health surveillance of workers as specified under rule 25.

(2) The employer shall be the custodian of radiation sources in his possession and shall ensure physical security of the sources at all times.

(3) The employer shall inform the competent authority, within twenty four hours, of any accident involving a source or loss of source of which he is the custodian.


(1) The Radiological Safety Officer shall be responsible for advising and

assisting the employer and licensee on safety aspects aimed at ensuring that the provisions of these rules are complied with.

(2) The Radiological Safety Officer shall:-

(a) carry out routine measurements and analysis on radiation and radioactivity levels in the controlled area, supervised area of the radiation installation and maintain records of the results thereof;

(b) investigate any situation that could lead to potential exposures;

(c) advise the employer regarding -

(i) the necessary steps aimed at ensuring that the regulatory constraints and the terms and conditions of the licence are adhered to;

(ii) the safe storage and movement of radioactive material within the radiation installation.

(iii) initiation of suitable remedial measures in respect of any situation that could lead to potential exposures; and

(iv) routine measurements and analysis on radiation and radioactivity levels in the off-site environment of the radiation installation and maintenance of the results thereof;

(d) ensure that -

(i) reports on all hazardous situations along with details of any immediate remedial actions taken are made available to the employer and licensee for reporting to the competent authority and a copy endorsed to the competent authority;

(ii) quality assurance tests of structures, systems, components and sources, as applicable are conducted; and

(iii) monitoring instruments are calibrated periodically.

(e) assist the employer in -

(i) instructing the workers on hazards of radiation and on suitable safety measures and work practices aimed at optimising exposures to radiation sources; and

(ii) the safe disposal of radioactive wastes; and

(iii) developing suitable emergency response plans to deal with accidents and maintaining emergency preparedness;

(f) advise the licensee on -

(i) the modifications in working condition of a pregnant worker; and

(ii) the safety and security of radioactive sources;

(g) furnish to the licensee and the competent authority the periodic reports on safety status of the radiation installation; and

(h) inform the competent authority when he leaves the employment.


(1) Every worker shall observe the safety requirements and follow safety procedures and instructions and shall refrain from any wilful act that could be detrimental to self, co-workers, the radiation installation and public.

(2) The worker shall:

(a) provide to the employer information about his previous occupations including radiation work, if any.

(b) make proper use of such protective equipment, radiation monitors and Personnel monitoring devices as provided; and

(c) inform the licensee and the Radiological Safety Officer, of any accident or potentially hazardous situation that may come to his notice.

(3) A female worker shall, on becoming aware that she is pregnant, notify the employer, licensee and Radiological Safety Officer in order that her working conditions may be modified, if necessary.


(1) Every licensee shall maintain complete and up-to-date records of -

(a) personnel monitoring under Clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of rule 27, in the format as specified by order by the competent authority; and

(b) the health surveillance specified in rule 25.

(2) Such records shall be preserved during the working life of each worker, and afterwards until the worker attains or would have attained the age of Seventy five years, or not less than thirty years after the termination of the work involving occupational exposure whichever is later.

(3) A worker shall have access to his personnel monitoring and the health surveillance records. 


(1) Every employer shall provide the services of a physician with appropriate qualifications to undertake occupational health surveillance of classified workers.

(2) Every worker, initially on employment, and classified worker, thereafter at least once in three years as long as the individual is employed, shall be subjected to the following -

(a) general medical examination as specified by order by the competent authority;

(b) health surveillance to decide on the fitness of each worker for the intended task;

(3) The health surveillance shall include -

(a) special tests or medical examinations as specified by order by the competent authority, for workers who have received dose in excess of regulatory constraints; and

(b) counselling of pregnant workers.


The licensee carrying out diagnostic or therapeutic work using radiation generating equipment, sealed or unsealed sources, shall for optimizing the medical exposure ensure that -

(a) performance of the equipment is verified periodically by appropriate quality assurance tests;

(b) records are maintained for a period specified by the competent authority of -

(i) radiation doses received by therapy patients;

(ii) activity administered to patients for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes;


(iii) other relevant parameters;

(c) the exposure of humans for bio-medical research is carried out only on healthy volunteers with their prior consent in writing. The methodology, the number of volunteers and the radiation dose they are subjected to shall be reviewed by the ethical review committee constituted by the employer; and

(d) any accidental medical exposure is investigated and a written report is submitted to the competent authority.


(1) The competent authority may by order specify appropriate radiation surveillance requirements and procedures and the employer and the licensee shall comply with them.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, such radiation surveillance requirements and procedures may provide that -

(a) the siting, design, construction, commissioning, operation, servicing and maintenance and decommissioning of facilities involving the use of radiation, and disposal of radioactive material shall be done in accordance with the specifications laid down by the competent authority in the relevant safety codes and safety standards;

(b) the workers shall be subjected to personnel monitoring and health surveillance and appropriate records shall be maintained;

(c) transport of radioactive material in public domain shall be in accordance with the procedures laid down by the competent authority and in accordance with the other regulations pertaining to transport by different modes; and


(1)    Any person duly authorised to inspect any premises, or radiation installation, or conveyance.

(2) The findings of the inspection shall be forwarded to the licensee for necessary corrective actions.

(3) Inspection may be carried out at all licencing stages, namely, siting, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning.

(4) Inspect, from safety point of view, to ensure that the licensee has fulfilled the radiological safety requirements for carrying out the practices at the radiation installation as per the stipulations laid down in the licence.

(5) Checking, whether the safety related structures, systems, components and devices are of approved quality based, on the relevant safety codes and safety standards specified by the competent authority and that they are functioning as per the design intent, (checking that respective operating personnel are competent to operate the facility.

(i) that the facilities are operating as per the approved technical specification; and

(ii) conducting all such examinations (including verification of relevant

records) as may be considered necessary.

(b) make such tests and measurements as may be necessary for the

purpose of assessing radiation safety.

(c) investigate unusual incidents or accidents, if any, that had occurred at

the radiation installation and arrive at the reasons for the same and

recommend corrective measures.

(d) review and verify whether the corrective actions have been implemented.

(e) inspect radioactive consignments in any conveyance carrying radioactive

material and inspect any package containing radioactive material.


(1) In the event of an accident involving the source or release of radioactive material, the competent authority may -

(a) Intervene and issue such directions as deemed fit and proper under the circumstances in the interest of radiation safety and the employer shall act as per the directions of the competent authority and shall make every effort to mitigate the consequences of the accident, or

(b) The competent authority may assign experts to give advice or render assistance in mitigating the consequences of the accident and the expenses incurred, if any, shall be reimbursed by the employer.

(2) In the interest of safety of the radiation installation, workers, public and the environment, the competent authority may issue such directions as it may deem fit for ensuring safety including the immediate shutting down of the radiation installation and the employer shall comply with the directions.


(1) The licensee shall prepare emergency response plans for plant emergencies and site emergencies according to in the relevant safety codes and submit to competent authority for approval prior to the commissioning of the installations and maintain emergency preparedness.

(2) The licensee shall submit the response plans for off-site emergencies prepared by the appropriate authorities to the competent authority for review.

(3) Any modification to the emergency plan shall require prior approval of or review by the competent authority.


(1) When a radiation installation or radiation generating equipment ceases to be in use, the employer shall ensure its decommissioning.

(2) No employer shall decommission a radiation installation without the prior approval of the competent authority.

(3) The decommissioning plan shall take due cognizance (knowledge) of disposal of radioactive wastes, recycling of materials, and reuse of equipment and premises.

(4) Ensure adequate protection of the persons in and around the decommissioned installation.

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