ILO Conventions & Recommendations


1. C155 - Occupational Safety and Health Convention 1981 - Click Here

2. C161 - Occupational Health Services Convention 1985 - Click Here

3. C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention 1988 - Click Here

4. C170 - Chemicals Convention 1990 - Click Here

5. C174 - Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention 1993 - Click Here


1. R164 - Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation 1981 - Click Here

2. R171 - Occupational Health Services Recommendation 1985 - Click Here

3. R175 - Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation 1988 -  Click Here

4. R177 - Chemicals Recommendation 1990 - Click Here

5. R181 - Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Recommendation 1993 - Click Here


1. The Workers (Employees) Compensation Act 1923 - Click Here

2. Manufacturer, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals (MSIHC) Rules, 1989 - Click Here

3. The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 - Click Here

4. ESI Act - Click Here

5. ESI Rules - Click Here

6. Contract Labour Act - Click Here

7. Public Liability Insurance Act 1991 - Click Here

8. Indian Boilers Act 1923 - Click Here

9. Indian Explosive Act 1884 - Click Here

10. Explosive Rules 2008 - Click Here

11. Gas Cylinder Rules 2016 - Click Here

12. Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules 2016 (SMPV Rules) - Click Here

13. Calcium Carbide Rules - Click Here

14. Electricity Act 2003 - Click Here

15. Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations 2010 - Click Here

16. Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules 2004 - Click Here

17. The Insecticides Act 1968 -Click Here

18. The Insecticides Rules1971 - Click Here


1. IS 3786: 1983 Method for Computation of Frequency and Severity Rates for Industrial Injuries and Classification of Industrial Accidents - Click Here


1. Social Accountability 8000 (SA 8000) - Click Here

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