Saturday, June 26, 2021

Calcium Carbide Rules 1987 [DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL SAFETY]


Calcium Carbide is also called Calcium acetylide, which is a chemical compound having the chemical formula CaC2. Mainly used to produce Calcium Cyanamide and Acetylene.

This is pure material of colorless and however 80-85% Calcium Carbide in Brown or Grey Colour.

Uses of Calcium Carbide:

1. Calcium Carbide is used in the production of Acetylene and Calcium hydroxide
2. It can be used in the removal of Sulphur from iron.
3. This compound can also be used as ripening agent such as ethylene
4. It is also used in Bamboo Cannons and Big bang cannons.

Calcium Carbide has been declared as inflammable substance under the Inflammable Substances Act and the Petroleum Act has been made applicable to it. Calcium Carbide in contact with moisture generates acetylene gas which has wider range of explosives limits. Approval of receptacles for packing Calcium Carbide and licensing for storage of calcium carbide are the jobs entrusted to the Organisation under these rules.

In the exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 of the Petroleum Act 1934 framed Calcium Carbide Rules 1987.

It consists of VIII Chapters and 50 Rules.













Rule No. 2.(d) “Conservator of the Port” includes any person acting under the authority of the officer or body of persons appointed to be Conservator of a Port under section 7 of the Indian Ports Act, 1908 (15 of 1908);

Rule No. 2. (j) “Prescribed receptacle” means a receptacle which

(i) is made of steel or any other material approved by the Chief Controller but has no copper in its composition.

(ii) is hermetically closed at all times except when its contents are being placed within it or withdrawn from it; and

(iii) bears a stamped embossed, painted or printed warning exhibiting in conspicuous characters the words “Calcium Carbide”— Dangerous if not kept dry” and the following caution: “The contents of this package are liable, if brought into contact with moisture, to give off a highly inflammable gas”.



Rule No. 3. Carbide to be packed in prescribed receptacles

Carbide shall not be imported, transported, or stored unless it is packed in prescribed receptacles.

Rule No. 5. Precautions against contact with water

Every reasonable precaution shall be taken to prevent carbide coming into contact with water, and where such contact may have occurred to prevent ignition of the gas.

Rule No.6. Disposal of carbide if wet

If any carbide becomes wet and the receptacle becomes hot it shall be destroyed by being submerged in deep water. If deep water is not available, the wet carbide, shall be spread out in the open in an isolated place, and all precautions shall be taken to prevent any fire or artificial light or article capable of igniting acetylene being brought near until the material has given off its gas and the surrounding area has become free of gas.  

Rule No.7. Children and intoxicate person

No person shall employ or allow

(i) any child under eighteen years of age; or

(ii) any person who is in a state of intoxication

(a) for the purpose of loading, unloading or transport of carbide; or

(b) to enter any premises licensed under these rules.

Rule No.8. Prohibition of smoking, fires and lights

No person shall smoke, and no fires, artificial lights or articles capable of igniting acetylene shall be permitted

(a) at any time within or near the place where carbide is stored.

(b) near a vehicle or vessel transporting carbide.


Rule No.12. Defective Receptacles.

The Collector of Customs and may require that any receptacle containing carbide which does not satisfy the requirements of rule 3 of which is defective shall be submerged in deep water under the direction of the Conservator of the port, without compensation to the consignees.

Rule No.14. Landing of carbide

(1) Carbide shall be landed only with the permission of the Collector of Customs and at such place or places as the Conservator of the Port may direct.

(2) Carbide shall be landed only between sunrise and sunset.


Rule No.19 Transportation in quantity not exceeding 5 kilograms

Carbide transported in any quantity not exceeding 5 kilograms shall be packed in prescribed receptacles and each receptacle containing not more than 1 kilogram.

Rule No.20 Transport in quantity exceeding 5 kilograms

Carbide in quantity exceeding 5 kilograms shall not be transported except under the following conditions, namely:

(a)Carbide shall be carried in prescribed receptacles, no receptacle shall be capable of containing more than 100 kilogrammes of carbide and

(b) the carbide shall not be deposited at any time during transit in any building other than a building licensed for the storage of carbide under these rules.

© Provided further that carbide so transported is meant for directly charging into an acetylene generator and not for re-packing into any other receptacle.


Rule No.26 Licence for storage

No person shall store any carbide except under a licence granted under these Rules.

Provided that no licence shall be required for storage of carbide

(a) in any quantity not exceeding five kilograms if it is kept in prescribed receptacles each containing not more than one kilogram;

(b) in any quantity exceeding five kilograms but not exceeding two hundred kilograms subject to the following conditions namely.

(i)the receptacles shall be stored in a dry and well-ventilated storage shed, which may form a part of or attached to a building provided that it is separated there from by a substantial partition and the only means of access to it is from outside air.

(ii) due precautions shall be taken to prevent unauthorised persons from having access to the receptacles.

(iii) the receptacles shall be kept securely closed except while taking out carbide there from

(c) temporarily within port limits under such conditions as the Conservator of the port may specify,

(d) while in transit under the custody of railway administration or road transport agency; in the possession of the Defence Forces of the Union;

Rule No. 27 Observance of safety distance from the licensed storage shed necessary

Carbide shall be stored

(a) if in quantities aggregating more than 200 kilograms but not exceeding 500 kilograms in a suitable uninhabited building at least 3 metres away from any other promises;

(b) if in quantities aggregating more than 500 kilograms and not more than, 5000 kilograms in a suitable uninhabited building at least 6 metres away from any other premises;

(c) if in quantities aggregating more than 5000 kilograms, in a suitable un inhabited building at least 9 metres away from any other premises;

(2) Not more than 1000 metric tonnes of carbide shall be stored in any one building, provided that not more than 250 metric tonnes of carbide is stored in any one room or other part of the building.

(3) Every building storing carbide shall be surrounded by a wall or fence of at least 1.8 metres high to prevent unauthorised persons having access to the shed and are enclosed by such wall or fence shall cover the safety zone required to be kept clear.


Every premises for storage of carbide shall

(a)be constructed of non-flammable material with cemented floor raised at least 30 centimetres from the surrounding ground level;

(b) be well ventilated both near the coiling and the floor to the satisfaction of the licensing authority. The ventilator openings shall be covered with two layers of galvanised iron or other non-corroding metal wire gauge having no copper and of mesh not less than 11 per linear centimetre;

(c) be water tight;

(d) be of sufficient capacity to conveniently accommodate the quantity of carbide proposed to be stored, leaving a gangway space of at least 60 centimetres around the stack.



a) Inform to the Chief Controller by an Express telegram followed within 24 hours by a letter giving particulars of the accident.

b) And by a quickest means of communication to the nearest Magistrate or to the officer-in- charge of the Police Station having jurisdiction. 

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