Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Housekeeping Vs Safety


Housekeeping means cleanliness and orderliness. A good housekeeping means a place of everything and everything in its place.  Poor housekeeping is a source of accidents in industry.

Poor House Keeping

A poor housekeeping means existence of unsafe condition at work place which may cause accident.  Examples of poor housekeeping are given below:

1. Floor with loose articles, nails, oil, grease, ditch/pit, uncovered manhole, broken uneven etc.
2. Work place, work bench, wall, ceiling, door window-full of dust, dirt or unwanted things hanging or lying giving a shabby look.
3. Non-disposal of sward, scrap, effluent and waste from the work place.
4. Non-extraction of air pollutants like dust, fume, smoke, gases, vapour, mist, etc. from the work environment.
5. Improper lighting causing low level of illumination or shadow, uneven distribution of luminous flux, production of glare.
6. Inadequate ventilation causing discomfort in the work place in terms of temperature, humidity, air movement, air changes, etc.
7. Non-provision or blocking approaches to emergency equipment (fire bucket, portable fire extinguisher, first aid box, emergency shower, stretcher room etc.).
8. Keeping or stacking materials, equipment, tools etc. at such a position as to hinder easy and safe movement of men and materials or stack may collapse by slight disturbance.

Housekeeping vs Safety

A good housekeeping takes care of all the shortcomings mentioned above and make a work place reasonably conducive, safe and comfortable. Workers find it easy and less tiring job to complete their assigned tasks successfully and safely. If the floor, wall, door, window, ceiling, work bench etc. are carefully maintained out of dirt, dust, unwanted things, illumination and ventilation are properly maintained, storage of materials are paid due attention and emergency equipment are promptly available when needed, it may be ascertained that housekeeping will play a vital role in achieving safety in industry.

A good standard of housekeeping may be maintained if we follow the DO’s and DONT’s given below:


1. Keep your surroundings clean to the extent possible.

2. Maintain floor free from cracks, pitholes, unevenness, loose articles, nails, sharp objects, oil grease, chemicals, scraps, waste/end pieces, etc.

3. Ensure your work bench/table free from unwanted things.

4. Keep tools, accessories, attachments, and other essential devices/aids at the respective place after use.

5. Dispose off swarf and waste at a period interval of time.

6. Ensure extraction of dust, fume, gas, vapours, mist from your work area.

7. Maintain comfortable work atmosphere in respect of temperature, humidity, air movement, air changes, etc.

8.    Store materials without blocking normal passage in the shop floor. 

9.    Keep oily waste in a separate bin with cover.

10.  Maintain emergency equipment always in order.

11.  Keep passage to emergency equipment free from obstacles.

12.  Maintain proper floor marking for aisle ways, storage area inside and outside the plant.

13.  Try to keep your work place with a decorative touch.
1. Do not throw oily waste here and there.
2. Do not smoke or use naked flame in restricted area marked “NO SMOKING”
3. Do not keep loose articles/objects narrowing down common passage aisle way, gangway, etc.
4. Do not misuse fire bucket.
5. Do not allow unwanted things to accumulate at your workplace.

A good housekeeping adds grace to safety.  A prudent management desirous of achieving higher productivity pays adequate attention to maintain a reasonable standard of good housekeeping. 

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